690 E. Warner Rd. Ste. 105, Gilbert, AZ 85296 || Phone: (480) 820-6366 || Fax: (480) 820-0462
Does your child have a medical diagnosis? (List if applicable) YesNo
Has the child received therapy in the past? (Check if applicable) Speech Physical Occupational Vision Music Feeding Habilitation Other
Is there a history of allergies? YesNo
If there is a history of allergies, please note which allergies, the reaction if exposed, and the severity on a scale of 1-10 (1= very mild, 10= most severe).
Delivery? VaginalCesarean
Did the child have any difficulties sucking? YesNo
Was the child a good eater as an infant? YesNo
Was the mother in good health and nutrition during the pregnancy? YesNo
Did the mother smoke, drink, or do drugs, during pregnancy? YesNo
Poor Attending Skills: YesNo Easily Distracted: YesNo Aggressive Behaviors: YesNo
Resistance To Structure: YesNo Has Social Skill Concerns: YesNo Anxiety: YesNo
Sensitivity To Sound: YesNo Object To Being Touched: YesNo Severe Fear Of Something: YesNo
Picky Eater: YesNo
Asthma: YesNo Have an inhaler? YesNo
Seizures: YesNo Currently experiencing regularly? YesNo
Head Injuries: YesNo
Family With Learning Disability/Difficulties: YesNo
Family With Speech/Language Impairment: YesNo
Family With Hearing Impairments: YesNo
Recurrent Ear Infections: YesNo
Pressure-Equalized Tube Placed: YesNo
Hearing Loss: YesNo Hearing Aids: YesNo
Vision Loss/Correction: YesNo
Wear Glasses/Contacts: YesNo
Does child perform at grade level in: Reading Math 504/IEP: YesNo
I, , agree and give my consent for Advanced Therapy Solutions to furnish medical care and treatment considered necessary and proper in evaluating and treating my child, , and their conditions.